Wednesday, September 17, 2014

3 Months

Sometimes I worry about blogging about things like my son, being a mom, my extremely ordinary life because I'm sure no one has one crap to give about any of it. However, life is good and I like to write about it :)

Landon is 3.5 months old. HOLY FREAKING COW. Where does the time go??? Just looking at my last post, he was 7 WEEKS old and I can't even believe it. He is a little firecracker who knows what he wants and who knows that his mommy is going to give it to him. He is full of smiles and CHUNK like no other.

Can I just say, again, that being a mom is hard? The hardest thing I've ever done. My meals are all cold, some nights I don't have time for a shower, my house isn't clean and the laundry isn't done. What DO I do all day? I have no idea; besides take care of this little studly, whiny, handsome, difficult, adorable boy.

It's difficult knowing I'm not contributing financially or that I'm not making a difference in the world. Long gone are my hopes of traveling to exotic places and solving world hunger (for now). I know I'll never join the Peace Corps or live as a homeless bum in another country just for the adventure. My dreams now are all about my little family. Making sure my hubby gets a good meal when he gets home (still a daily struggle), is Landon favoring one hand over the other? When will he start to sleep through the night? Are there biodegradable diapers? What's this red dot on his skin? Ope! Time to get those boogies! OH WOW, my life has changed. Surprisingly though, I'm happier than I've ever been. Hours and hours of screaming and crying and blow-outs and sleepless nights are often easy to forget when I wake up and see my little guy's smiling, toothless grin. Sounds freaking weird, I know.

So yeah! Life is good. I'm consumed with motherhood and wifey-hood and right now I don't think I would have it any other way. Pete is just trucking along in school and working his butt off; can't believe how lucky I am to have such a hard-working and just flat out AMAZING hubby. I am truly blessed.

CAUTION: this is becoming purely a mommy post.

The real reason that I sat down to write tonight wasn't really to just update the blog, but because I am a little troubled. I've been hearing and reading about so much as a new parent, because I have no idea what I'm doing most of the time. Can I just say, there is so much freaking judgement and conflicting information out there?! Breast is best, don't co-sleep, let your baby cry-it-out, don't spoil him, you can't spoil a young baby enough, etc. Seriously what is a new mom supposed to do? So far, my strategy has been to read about a problem as much as possible, ask for advice, and then just trust my instincts and see what happens! It's been working out well but we've definitely had our struggles.

Breastfeeding for me was absolutely the biggest struggle I had during the first few weeks (actually, months!) after my son was born. Not only did I have the normal struggles of latching, positioning, pumping, milk supply, and just not knowing what the heck I was doing... I had the pleasure of experiencing plugged milk ducts, mastitis, and eventually had to deal with a painful and horrifying abscess. Fortunately, after many, many, MANY tears, hours of reading and research, and sheer perseverance, I got the hang of it. Our little guy is now a healthy chunk who can't go anywhere without hearing "look at those cheeks!" or "look at those thunder thighs!" I just smile to myself because that's exactly what I'd always hoped for.

New moms, breastfeeding is freaking hard. My advice is to seek out support and don't give up. Set small goals. I still remember telling my husband, "This is the last night! I'm done breastfeeding!" over and over and over and over until I started to realize it was slowly but surely getting easier.  I always read how "it gets easier" but never believed it until it  really did. So tell yourself, if you truly want to keep nursing, that you can do it for one more week. Hopefully, that will turn into "one more month." "until he/she is 3 months old." "maybe I can make it to 6 months." And, as I'm still saying when I have to nurse in an uncomfortable place (like the NASTY bathroom at Comic Con) "if I can make it 7 more months, I will finally be DONE!"

More advice: follow/like La Leche League and Those two websites are very informational and supportive. Learn to look forward to nursings, because before you know it your little one will be eating solids and won't need you for nourishment/comfort any longer. Find a good book series or keep your phone/tablet close by. Talk to a lactation consultant if you have problems; neither my physician or OBGYN had any real advice about breastfeeding besides "it's ok to switch to formula." And most importantly, do what is best for you and your child. Nutritionally speaking, breast milk is said to be best. But pumping/nursing doesn't work for everyone and a lot of women lose their milk or are unable to breastfeed for a lot of different reasons. If that happens, take comfort in the fact that you are doing your best; you know what is best for your child and for yourself and it's ok if things change or don't work out quite the way you'd hoped.

Next thing that I feel the need to get off my chest is all of this mommy judgement. People need to stop judging other moms! I recently read a post that said something to the effect of...

If you're breastfeeding your child, you're a great mom.
If you're formula feeding your child, you're a great mom.
If your child bed-shares with you because you think that is what's best for him/her, you're a great mom.
If your child is sleeping only in their crib, you're a great mom.
If your child is sleeping through the night, you're a great mom.
If your child is still waking up to nurse/get a bottle, you're a great mom.
Etc., etc., etc.

Moms need to quit beating themselves up and quit beating each other up. We're all doing our best so just remember that the next time you go to make a snap judgement because one mom chose a different option than you. Please stop forcing your advice onto other moms, unless they ask for it. ESPECIALLY if you can see that you're causing them distress or causing them to doubt their own abilities as a mother.

That is all, lol. Good luck mommies. You're all amazing!!!

Hello Internet!

So, here I am again. I am the worst blogger, I'm going to go ahead and just stop apologizing because I will never have the time really or the energy to blog on a consistent basis. Oh wells!

I am officially the mom of a sweet little 7 week old, PERFECT, baby boy. Can I just say how crazy it is reading my last few posts and remembering how life used to be? Having a baby is hard. Worth it, soooo worth it, but really hard.

I always thought and learned in college that sleep was just another need that human beings have. We have the need to eat, drink, procreate, and sleep. Severe lack of sleep can actually be FATAL. Welp! That is all crap. I feel like I am living proof that you can live without sleep because that is exactly what I've been doing since our little Landon was born.

Our lives have been turned upside down. No more going to class, going to work, or watching our routine shows on Hulu. Now it's dirty diapers, spit up, crying, a few smiles, but mostly crying. Oh, and WORRYING. I have always been a worrier. Warning: having a child does not decrease the amount of time you worry about things, it exponentially multiplies it by one million.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Back to the challengio!

20. Describe 3 significant memories from your childhood.

There are many significant memories that I have from being a kid. The first thing that comes to mind...

Playing at the apartment complex I lived at until I was 13. This place was the coolest place for kids to play (or so we thought). You had different friends in each building and usually your parents didn't care if you were out after dark because you were rollin' with your homies, simply unstoppable. There was nothing better than getting out our roller blades and cruising around the playground and basketball court, in front of the laundromat, or to get the mail. Ahhhh yeah. We would play tag, hands up stands up, hide-and-seek, and make up dances to old Backstreet Boys songs, joyriding in our parent's cars... So much fun was to be had. And we had it.

Another memory or group of memories was hanging out with my then annoying, now awesome, little sister. She's six years younger so she mostly just followed my friends and I around and I was the mean older sister that no one should have to tolerate or put up with. But she did, like a champ. I loved hanging out with that little squirt (who is now a gorgeous super-model look-alike that is way more mature than I'll ever be). We would sneak our hamburger helper into our socks and throw it over the fence to the sheep. We would teach our guinea pigs to run to their cages from the living room. We would chillax in our PJ's watching Pokémon or whatever else was on day-time TV. Did I ever mention that I have the best little sister in the world? Because I do. Boom.

More memories:

Hanging out with our "grandma Leslie" and our "cousins". People always told me they weren't my real family but I know better :)
Riding bikes and rollerblading everywhere.
Being the pickiest eater in the entire world. This has not changed.
Having tickle fights with my ma.
Eating TV dinners.
Driving remote control cars until the batteries were dead.
Waiting for Santa to visit our house.
Seeing scary movies and listening to classic rock with my pa.
Visiting granny's house and getting spoiled rotten.
Mojojojo, Buppy, Squeakers, Roxy, Fluffy, and all the other pets we grew up with.
Being a kid. I miss not having a care in the world. Writing love notes to dumb boys. Fighting and making up with my best girlfriends every few days. Ignorance to the troubles of the world. There were a lot of things that I loved about my childhood and lots of things I would give anything to forget.

Good thing I'm only in like, my middle childhood now :)

A BIG Update :)

Hey there pear! SO, life. Life, life, life!

First off, Pete and I are having a little boy. There ya go! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! We are so excited. And scared. Mostly I'm scared and Pete is just excited but I'm excited too but I also am scared. Makes sense, right? I am 29 weeks and our baby should be due around June 4th if he cooperates and my body cooperates, lol. I always said I wouldn't be one of those annoying people who post about their baby all the time but I can already feel it coming.. Please forgive me if you're as intolerant as I've always been with this stuff.. What can ya do!

So I'd been wanting a baby for like, a loooong time but Pete always said we should wait. Wait until we have more money, wait until our lives are more stable, wait until we were done with school, etc. That, for some reason, made me want a baby even more. I'll admit it, I fell into the trap of seeing all my friends with their cute babies and I started to reeeallly want my own little one. So after me asking for months if we could have a baby Pete finally said we could have one whenever I was ready! Yaaaaay! And then it became more real to think about. A real baby? Not just the ideas and thoughts and pinterest boards? Was I really ready to quit my job and stay home and change diapers and lose some or all of my freedoms? I don't think so! So we decided to wait longer, lol.

All my friends and family members had their cute little babies and one day I was ready and the next day I was NOT. We knew we had to wait until we were BOTH ready all the time, not off and on like we'd been. Women never know what they want. And when they get it they still don't know if that's quite what they wanted. Confusing.

Anywho! To make a long and boring story short, we both decided we were ready to start our family last year. I'll never forget the first pregnancy test I took and the slight pink line that said our lives were about to change forever. I always pictured myself jumping up and down and throwing my hands around Pete in excitement, just like in the movies. Instead though I sat in the bathroom for kind of a long time, just staring at that pink line and thinking WHAT. HAVE. WE. DOOOOONE?! Hahaha okay I was super excited, but like I said, also scared to death.

We had our first appointment when I was (I think) 12 weeks and the doctor's visit was just, insane. We got to see our little one on the ultrasound and received our first pictures. Looked like a real baby. There was a real alien baby growing inside me.. I'll have to edit this later so he doesn't know I referred to him as an alien baby.

And so, time has just been flying! Pete has been doing school and going straight from there to work Tues-Fri. He is such a hard worker. I can't believe how lucky I am to have him as my hubby (could go on about that for 5 more years but I won't, tonight). And I've just been working. My first trimester was super easy, no sickness, no nothing. I was worried something was wrong because I didn't have ANY symptoms really. I guess I was just really really lucky. Second trimester was a little more difficult. I was super tired, all the time. I would come home from working only 4 or 5 hours and would crash, I was so exhausted.

The third trimester (well, and end of the second) has been a little more tricky. I'd felt great and had been running a little and just being my usual self when I started to just get terrible pains in my groin muscles and lower abdomen. It was mostly when I would work out so I just started working out less to see if that would help and it kind of did but hasn't gone away completely. I talked to my doctor about it again a few weeks ago and he finally decided to check my cervix and informed me that my cervix was soft. I had no idea what this meant so I did what every pregnant woman really should never do, I googled it. Trust me people, googling something like that is beneficial maybe 3% of the time. The rest of the time you just read millions of articles about horror stories and you know for sure that your baby isn't going to make it or if it does all these other horrible things are going to happen. Just avoid doing that and your life will be much less stressful :)

Anywho, on top of that and a few other things, Pete and I (mostly Pete) decided that it would be better if I quit my job and stayed home the last two months of this pregnancy. Which brings me here again. Extra time=craziness because I feel like I always have to be productive and when I'm not I feel like I'm not doing what I should be doing.. If that makes sense. I think mostly I'm just a crazy person; but I'm sure you already caught onto that :) So I'm writing again. Just to clear my head and organize my thoughts I guess.

So yeah, I should be able to blog more now. Warning, the majority of it will probably mostly be about me and Pete and our sweet little alien baby. Ok, little one. There, that sounds better. But I'll try to throw in some other things to that are occupying my brain on occasion. We shall see :)

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Oh snap!

OH DEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR. It's been awhile. I long while. I think. I don't remember. asdgdsaf

Okay! So things have been going really well! I have no idea when I last blogged and right now I'm way too lazy to go and look at the date on my last blog. But, just an update...

Pete and I have just been working and he's started school so it's been kinda craaaazy. I have been working 11-6 and thankfully his work is being super flexible and having him work 4-10pm now instead of 2:30pm to 1:30am.... So I don't see him a whole lot but I know all of our hard work and sacrifice will pay off! Maybe... okay yes I'm sure it will!

Last week he surprised me with a weekend mini-vacation to Park City! So fun :)

Lois, the red car, has died. We are now a one car family. This would be fine if we didn't work at conflicting times! Hopefully we can get it fixed and SELL it though and get something more reliable.

I still suck at cooking.

Mostly I just hate growing up. I hate having to be responsible and pay bills and worry about insurance and money and BLEHHHHHHHHHH. Does anyone really LIKE growing up? Can I get some of that positive energy puleeeease???? kthanksbye.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Aw, I'm a parent!

19. How did you feel the moment you became a parent?

Well, fact of the matter is, I'm not a parent yet so I can't really explain how I felt when I had the children I don't have. Make sense? Good. 

There are instances in my life where I feel like a parent though, so maybe I can relate a little. I've taken care of my sister while we've grown up (or told myself that) so that's kind of like she was my large-ish child. I've taken care of hundreds of kids with my different jobs and sometimes I feel like I'm like their parent. And of course there was always...

My sunflower. 

I take it all back. I am a parent. And I've created something beautiful, just like the rest of you. 

There once was a time where I got a seed. This was a wonderful little seed that when you held it in your hand, you felt like you were holding a tiny miracle that was sent to you from God himself. Just looking at it made you ponder about the meaning of life and do big sighs and look into the sunset. That was my seed, and I loved it dearly.

Once I got up the courage to part with the seed-form of my miracle I planted it in a beautiful and extravagant home. This home was made of only the finest materials, a delicately cut plastic green Sprite bottle, made it China, that made it possible for my little seedy to drink from the plentiful water whenever it felt keen in doing so. 

My precious seedy was planted and given of course, only the best care a mother could provide. Bountiful sunlight washed over it each day and fresh water was added as needed. After a few days I found myself beginning to worry about my seedy. Was it growing? Did it need something more? Was I a good mom or was I insufficient for my seedy's needs? Why wasn't it's little baby seed head poking out of the dirt yet? 

To my surprise and relief, seedy turned out to be fine. I chuckled. I guess all moms experience this worry though. She suddenly reached out of the dirt and began to grow rapidly before my eyes. I was so proud. Tears began to form in my eyes and I thought, what was the purpose of my life before my little baby seedy was in it? I did not know, nor did I care.

Each day I checked on her to make sure she had everything that was needed. I made sure she was watered, fed, and properly clothed with dark, rich, soil. She got plenty of exercise and fresh air, which most youngsters need at that age. When she became bigger though, she copped a little attitude and needed a larger room. Oh silly seedy, you're just like your mother. She was always complaining about how her room was too small and all the other seedies in the world had way more room than she. I cut up a juice carton and she got what she'd always wanted, more space to play and to be her  beautiful seedy self. 

As she grew older, times weren't as happy like they used to be. She was too big for me to hold in my hand anymore and she was always reaching out of her home to see what else was out there in the big, vast world; it just wasn't enough for her to see my smiling face looking down at her each day anymore. I continued to care for her even though I could tell my help wasn't always welcome. 

I soon realized didn't have to check on her each day or water her as much. She was growing on her own and I know what she wanted. Space. She wanted more space...away from me? Away from her family and her home? I wasn't sure. My mind wandered and feared the worst.

Just as she was growing into her seedy-woman self I realized she really didn't need me much at all; all my worst fears were coming true. I forced myself to quit checking on her and unfortunately, things took a terrible turn. 

I fell ill with a bout of sicky-icky-ness. I was unable to care for her for quite a long time but I assumed she'd be fine without me. After all, it'd been a long time since she needed me anyway...

A week or so passed when I finally got the strength to open the door to my backyard and check on my sweet, sweet, seedy. But when I saw her, my world went dark. I gasped and put my hand over my mouth. I shrunk to my knees to witness the horror... My week of neglect (which in sunflower time was 14 years) had killed her. Her once green and strong stem was gray and withered. Her leaves were crumpled and lay sprawled on the floor of her room. 

Seedy. Was. Dead.  


16. What are your 2 greatest accomplishments?

Wha? Only 2? Hehehehawhawhaw. Just kidding. 

One of my greatest accomplishments is becoming a normal functioning human being! Yes! I'm so happy that I've turned out somewhat normal, it was a bit sketchy for a while. But really. Have you ever studied child development? It's amazing that babies are born and people learn and grow and can be so resilient to this rough roller coaster of a life. I'm so thankful that I have all of my limbs, that I have my little teeth to chomp up all of my glorius junkfood, and all 10 fingers and all 10 toes. Our bodies are amazing things, I'm going to go ahead and be proud of it's miraculousness. Right. Meow. 

Another thing I GUESS I can be proud of and call a great accomplishment in my life is finishing school. I guess it's never really finished finished, you could always keep going. But I'm happy to be done with my bachelor's. What will I do with this? Who freakin knows. But am I happy to be done and proud of it? YEEESH. Oy em. 

Okay so this post is completely weird and who knows if those are even good accomplishments but they are literally the first things that came into my braaaaaain. 


17. What is the thing you most wish you were great at?

Ooooo, this is a fun one. I don't know that I can narrow it down to one...

I wish I was the best artist that ever lived! I would probably be super weird because that's how most of the best artists are/have been, but would it be worth it? UHHHH YEEEEAH. Ok, maybe not the best artist, but 10? Sure. It would be great. And I could just create art for my job, and make some money, and make a difference in the world, and do amazing things. 

I wish I was great at playing video games, too. Wouldn't that be the life? Play games, be the best in the world, throw hun-ned dollas from the roof top of tall buildings. Ok. 

Okay, but seriously. I wish I was REALLY great at...being the best person I could be. I wish I could take all my insecurities and fears and doubts and throw THEM from the rooftop! And be rid of them forever. And go out and do the jobs I want to do and help the people I want to help and accomplish all the things in my life that I'm too scared to even attempt. That, my friends, would be just dandy. 

18. What do you think your spouse loves most about you?

Hmmm.. this is a toughie. Is that a real word? Midonknow. I think it's a toss up. He might love my big brown mcdonalds eyes or my willingness to help the people I love or my sheer insanity. I'm always jumping around and making weird noises and hoping I can get even the tiniest smirk to cross his face. I'm usually successful.