Tuesday, March 30, 2010


I've noticed lately that people are very resilient. I always hear "it's rough all over" but you never really think that when you first look at people. I think whenever you meet someone new you automatically compare lives. See your differences and similarities. And you assume you've either had it worse or they've had an exceptionally hard life. But you never really know. You never really can pass judgement. It's interesting to me to find out about people's lives and the people they become and why they become who they are. If that makes any sense... I've taken a bunch of classes now on human development and have learned about heredity and environment; the whole nature vs. nurture controversy, and which one has the most impact on the person. When you are born, does your environment shape the person you will be? Does every experience you have kind of build you into the person you are? The social sciences are so complex. I feel like I've passed all my psych classes with flying colors for the sole fact that I realized something very important when I first dove into the science of Psychology. Every single person is different, there is never an always statement that is true, and you cannot predict anything when it comes to the human psyche. I love that though. Although our biology says we're all like 99.99% alike, we all seem to be so different. But really, this viewpoint I've shared changes from day to day. I feel like one day everyone is so different and complex and beautifully unique; the next I feel like everyone is the same, striving for the same things, having the same hopes and dreams. Who knows. If there was a question on one of my exams asking me to answer these questions I would say what I always say "every person is different and there really isn't a straightforward answer." And, as always, I would receive full credit for such a vague but true answer.


I'm pretty sure everyone who has ever blogged about anything in this world has mentioned at least once, the evil called Procrastination. Our differences lye not in the fact that some of us procrastinate and some of us do not, but in the varying degrees of procrastination. For instance, tonight I spent my evening studying for a history exam, taking that exam, and then doing an essay from start to finish. These things didn't take up my evening and make me miserable because my professor is so horrid though, but it is instead because I suffer from a very high degree of procrastination.

In my studies I love to learn about different mental disorders and dysfunctions. To me, it's very interesting that we all see the same things but in completely different ways. I think procrastination, in such a dysfunctionally high degree, should perhaps be considered one of these disorders. It does impair people's lives, cause tremendous stress at times, and can cause anxiety and depression. I think there is no real solution to this problem unless your whole perception is changed. If you consider that essay higher on your priority list then you will not procrastinate it. nless your me. Unfortunately for me, I consider hanging with my sweetie and playing games much funner and therefore much higher on my list of things to do.

Lists. I live by lists. Although I suffer from a severe degree of procrastinationism and it often causes me grief, I do provide a temporary catharisis to the insanity. Making lists. In my room, within my notebooks, upon my sticky notes, you will find one kind of thing. Lists and lists. Things to do today, tomorrow, next week, by the end of the year. Some of them get looked at a second time, they might get a few things crossed off of them, but most of them get tucked or thrown away, never to be seen again. I think I make these lists for a few different reasons. 1. They help me in a similar way as blogging does. I get things off my chest, stop stressing about them, and can finally get to sleep. 2. I love the feeling of crossing things off of these said lists. It is very rare that I will cross off everything, but oh the joy I feel when I cross of a majority of them :)