Friday, August 26, 2011


So I just saw the title to my last blog and it basically sums up how I feel now, lol. There are 15 days til my wedding! I'm sooo excited/nervous. Pete and I finally got on the ball with the wedding planning. We're basically all done! Just a bunch of little things left to plan now. My bridal showers were fun; I had one with the people in my ward and some close friends and one with mostly Peter's family and some of my close family. They were awesome and all but I'm not gonna lie, I hate being the center of attention.. I get so nervous and fumbly and just want people to not stare at me hahaha. I guess though, besides the awesome gifts you get and great company, another good thing is that bridal showers prep you for your wedding day. People keep telling me the wedding day will be all about me (and Pete, lol) and we'll have all the attention.. Not excited for that part but I am excited to wear my gorgeous dress!!! Yep, I'm going from tangent to tangent because I'm just so dang excited about a million different things. Anyway, about my dress. It's soooo gorgeous. I didn't want to spend as much as I did on it (I think most brides say that) but I'll never regret not getting my dream dress because that's exactly what I got :) I'm one happy little girl.

The first couple weeks back from Peru I was freaking out, having little breakdowns left and right because I had no idea what I was doing and felt like I was having the plan the whole wedding myself.. Poor Pete lol. My family says instead of "Bridezilla" I'm actually a "Cryzilla" lol, I think it's quite fitting though. But yeah, we're just about done! School is starting next week and I'm super excited for that! (weird, I know.) We also found an apartment and I got a new job! Haha see why I've been stressed? Getting ready for my last two semesters of school (boo-yah!), planning a wedding, going to Peru, searching for an apartment, etc. It's been pretty crazy! I can't wait until like a month from now when we're all settled in and things have calmed down a little bit. I'm excited for my new job, it's doing just about the same thing I was doing before so I can't wait to start :)

Peru was awesome! I don't think I'll blog all about it today.. Just that it was wonderful! I was definitely ready to come home though, just missed my family a ton! So I'm happy to be home, happy to be almost done planning this wedding, and super happy about marrying my best friend in just a few weeks :) feelin' blessed!