Saturday, June 5, 2010

Recently, insomnia, vacuum

So--SURPRISE SURPRISE! I'm excited for work on Monday :) I'm usually excited to go to work because I work with some of the best kids IN THE ENTIRE WORLD; and also have some awesome coworkers. But this Monday we're switching to summer schedule, and I'm excited for a change. In the summer at BGC things are a little different. Instead of picking up kids from school, like in the fall, and bringing them to the club for a few hours they are dropped off, usually really early in the morning, and most are left there allll day! From like 7 am until 6 pm! It's pretty insane. I'm working mornings this summer.. and am dreading that part. Here's why.

For some reason, I have this odd belief that sleep is a waste of time. I figure I spend my day doing things that need to be done, whether I enjoy doing them or not. Then, at night, when I have time all to myself, I can actually do things I want to do! So, for example, right now it's 2:49 in the morning and I'm blogging. Not to say that I get extreme joy from blogging or anything but I usually am painting, drawing, reading, listening to fantastic music on Pandora...etc., and if I had gone to sleep earlier, I would have missed out on all these joyful things and would have "wasted" hours of potential fun time. Unfortunately, I get to pay for this the next day... But we don't think about this now lol.

Oooh, forgot to mention, I'm working with some of my favorite people in the morning summer shift :) today we spent the day deep-cleaning our rooms and getting them ready. I made some sweet posters and can't wait to hang them up. I'll try to get some pictures posted on here, but obviously, I suck at doing that.. So we made up a few jokes today while emptying out gunk from heaters and vaccumming with vaccumms that ROYALLY SUCK at their job.. 1st: every day my boss looks in his box to check over important documents and read any mail/memos that were put in there by important people. My coworkers and I have decided that every day we will put something completely random and weird in this box. If you have any good ideas... let me know. Right now we're leaning toward sheets of toilet paper, a seemingly-snotty looking kleenex, an old chocolate bar, and things like this. The other joke, which, actually also has to do with TP, is hiding a random role of toilet paper in each other's rooms. So today, I hid the role of TP in Stephanie's room, so we'll see how long it takes her to find it. Whoever has it in their room by the end of the summer will "lose." What this so-called loss means: who knows. But it will be fun :)

Funny story when we were cleaning today. I'm scrubbing a part of the "Library" at the club when I hear the vacumm turn on. A few MINUTES (haha okay, seconds) later I hear hysterical laughing. I look over to see Stephanie holding the hose of the vaccum; however, it's not ATTACHED to the vaccuum. I start cracking up (I was in the weirdest mood today) and she laughs at herself as well. She was wondering why it wasn't sucking up, and later described the tube as a snake because it was unattached. Bahahaha. Excited for a fun summer.

NOTE: vacuum I guess is the correct spelling. I decided to leave the mispelled ones in there so you can see how much I struggled when trying to figure out how to spell that effin word! Gah!