Sunday, May 29, 2011

Overwhelmed.. but excited!

So things have been flying. I started work the Monday after the semester ended and I've been working and getting ready for things to come ever since. Unfortunately, I officially suck at planning weddings. Er, my wedding. I keep seeing all these things saying what you should be getting ready 4-6 months before the wedding and I have--NOTHING done. We don't know where we're getting married, where our reception is going to be, who's coming, what we're eating--nada. So that's a little stressful. I think the thing is that I have no idea what I'm doing. I've been to 1, that's right, 1 wedding (that I can remember.) So I have no idea who pays for what, what goes where, or when certain things are supposed to take place. I feel bad asking anyone to help though, it seems like everyone is already stressed to the max, lol. Blah! Hopefully this week I can get on the ball and get that stuff done before...

Peru! That's right, I'm going to Peru! I can't remember how much or what I talked about when I blogged before so I might be repeating myself but oh well. I'm so excited. Except for the food and the fact that I don't speak Spanish. It's sad that I took two semesters of Spanish and I don't feel like I could speak to someone or carry on a conversation, oh well again, lol. Everyone keeps saying I'll pick it up fast when I get out there and no one speaks English--lets hope that's true!
Lets see... work is going great :) I missed the kids soooo much, I'm pathetic. I feel like I enjoy working at the club more than the kids enjoy going there hahaha. I'm working out in Tremonton now and the drive out there every day isn't as bad as I thought it would be, it's kind of nice actually. I can't decide if, when I get back from Peru, I'd rather work in the Brigham club or the Tremonton club.. I guess we'll see what happens!

So I just got done kind of cleaning out my room. It's weird getting rid of things with the thought that I'm only going to take so much to my new apartment when I get married; I really don't need much. The sad thing is throwing stuff away. I've decided I don't want anyone to buy me anything because it eventually gets thrown away. Like everything! I think when I have birthdays or any time I get gifts I just want money. That sounds bad and cheap but really, that's the only thing that I can save or spend on things that I actually need. Haha gifts are nice but paying for school and a car when you need one I think trumps them in my book :)

So things are going well. I'm super stressed but it's mostly my fault, I just need to really start getting things done. I think when August comes and I'm starting school and getting back from Peru, I'll be freaking out a little more lol perhaps then my blog posts will be much more interesting...