Monday, February 28, 2011


So I haven't blogged for what seems like for-ev-er. I guess that just means my life is very boring. Oh wells :) Things are going well. I love my classes this semester, thank goodness. One of the coolest thing, that everyone has already heard about so it's pretty boring but who cares I'm still talking about it, is my lab for my Behavioral Analysis class. In this lab I get to train a rat! A real live cute gross rat lol. I say gross because I'm still to afraid to hold it (biting, scratching, defecating--ha!) but cute because it's sooo sweet and gentle and willing to learn (I think, lol). So yeah it's been an adventure! We go every day and feed it food and reinforce different behaviors. Since my partner didn't give me much input when we startedC.. we're teaching him to climb up these little mini stairs and push a lego guy off the edge. He's so dang good at it. I'm so proud.

Besides hangin out with my rat :) I've just been schoolin, haning out with the family and Pete on the weekends, and all of that fun stuff.. Some good news! Peter and his family invited me to go to Peru with him this summer! I can't wait--I love to travel and can't wait to stay for a MONTH to meet his family and see Peru. On the down side, I don't think I'll be able to work at the B&GC again this summer. I don't think they'll hire me when I'm going to be gone for a month out of the summer so I'm pretty bummed about that.. I guess we'll see what happens. I miss my kids soooo much. The other day I saw pictures of my chillens on fb and I just sat in my room crying lol it's weird how attached you can get to people. I just love those kids!

Idk why but for some reason I decide to blog at the weirdest times.. for instance, right now I have two exams to study for and an SI at 7:00.. it's 6:15.. I should probably go! I might continue this when I get back. We shall see! Chau!