Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Hey little paintbrush!

12. Describe a typical day in your life. 

Hilarious video for those of you who like Jenna Marbles, go watch her "Typical Day."

So, my life is pretty boring right now. During the week I wake up around 9:00 or 10 am. Pete doesn't get off work until like 2:00 am so we're kind of night owls. Which is why I blog around midnight when I actually do blog. Anywho, wake up at 9ish and I eat one of two things. I either eat two s'more poptarts or cereal. For some reason I have this thing where I go months at a time eating the same thing every morning. This drives Pete crazy and I don't quite understand it either. Right now, it's cereal.

Next thing I do is read for a little while before I get ready for the day or until Pete wakes up. (Right now I'm reading The Girl Who Played With Fire. So far, so good.) I like to let him sleep so I don't have to worry about him falling asleep and wrecking his car on the way home from work each night. After I procrastinate getting ready for about an hour I finally turn on a little music and get ready. I do the same routine, which I'm sure most girls do. Wash my face, blow dry my hair the rest of the way (I shower at night) and put on my make up. I do my hair and get dressed and by then Pete is usually up. We've been doing this schedule for only the past month or so since he got his current job. We watch our shows together and I tell him how much I dread going to work. I don't really DREAD it, I just would rather we both lived in a free house and could play games and watch shows and do whatever we want all day, errday. Ahh, that would be the life. Usually before work I pick up any supplies I need at Kents or Wal Mart. I go to work, prep for my activities, and run programs. Programs are 30 min. activities that I plan for the kids. There's usually 2 other staff and the kids get to choose each half hour which activity they want to do. After I get off work, I come home, binge on junk food (eeek) and do any cleaning or "stuff" that needs to be done until Pete gets home. Sometimes I visit with family, read, watch some shows, attempt to cook, draw, paint, or find some other random activity to occupy myself. Before, when I was in school, my schedule was classes all morning, work, homework at night. It's so nice now, being able to do fun things :)

Right now Pete and I live for the weekends. Each week he usually has a soccer game on Saturdays and we like to try and get up for yard sales. We don't see each other too much during the week so we spend our weekends glued together and trying to do fun things. Last weekend it was good food, zombies on COD, and visiting fam.

Preeeetty boring right now. We'll probably keep this up until fall when Pete goes back to school and my work schedules changes a little, or I try to get my masters, or we have magical little baby. I don't even know! :)

Eagles--Hotel California
Creedence Clearwater Revival--Have You Ever Seen The Rain?

Eleventy Seven.

11. Describe 5 pet peeves you have

Hmmm, just 5? Just kidding I'm pretty tolerant. Ha, oh wait, no I'm not. Just kidding I am. But seriously, no. ....OKAY!

1. One thing I can think of right off the bat is when people are so self-centered they have no idea how they act or treat people. Sometimes with these people I try to give subtle hints to the fact that they are only concerned about themselves, ever, and they are so consumed with their own self-ness they don't even see the friggin' hints! I've had so many people who I think I could be good friends with but when I hang out with them it's all about them and it literally drives me crazy. "What do you want to do? Ok, well can we do this, too? No? Okay. I'm too much of a push-over to say anything so we'll just do what you want. And eat what you want to eat. And listen to the music you want to listen to. And play the games you want to play. And I will just float along counting the minutes until I don't have to spend any more time with you." Seriously. That's how it goes. 

2. Mean people. Ok, this is turning into like, the kind of people I don't like, but who cares. I hate mean people. I hate bullies, people who are arrogant or think they're above everyone else. I hate when people belittle others to make themselves feel better about, whatever. I hate when people are mean. I wish all the mean people in the world had to go to like this hunger games and they just sat in a room and were super mean to each other and...I don't really know what else would happen because I didn't really think this through, but they would all know how the rest of the world felt because they'd have been surrounded by people like them. I know the world isn't all sunshine and butterflies and you can't always be nice to everyone... but sometimes...it would be kinda cool. 

3. When people don't take care of their children. I mean, they're YOUR children! You chose to have them; they came out of your body or DNA. They're your responsibility. Now, I'm not talking about the exhausted moms at Wal Mart whose children are just screaming because they're ornery or tired. I'm talking about people who are perfectly capable of making sure their children aren't gagging down dirt or digging in the trash and they just think, ah, what the heck, they'll be fine. Another thing that drives me crazy is when people expect other people to take care of their kids. They don't go after their kids when they're running away because they know someone else will do it. Just. Drives. Me. Bananas. Take care of your kids. Don't expect other people to do it because even though we act like it's okay, it gets really annoying. Ha, maybe I wouldn't have a job though if everyone decided they wanted to take care of their kids. The jury is out.

4. Okay, this whole post is going to piss a lot of people off, I already know it. Please don't be offended. Just know that I'm tired and ignorant and am just typing the first things that come to mind. Alright, I love all of your children. They're all beautiful and perfect and wonderful and all of that great stuff. However, I don't want to hear about every booger that comes out of their nose or see 5,000 pictures of them eating their first cookie, spaghetti noodle, or carrot. I think this all comes from the part of me that doesn't have kids or understand the beauty of all of these things yet. Maybe someday? Like I said, your kids are amazing; you really don't have to stop posting about them every 5 seconds on facebook, this is just me ranting. But something you can stop doing..please stop asking questions about breastfeeding, icky labor details, and what to do when your child's poop is green and has small chunks of blue mystery substances inside it. Gross, right? I see it all the friggin time! Just, TMIIIII. Put that jazz into a private convo. 

5. Hmmm... what else bothers me...
When people don't wash their hands after using the bathroom. 
When people don't use deodorant. 

Know it alls. 
Suck ups. 
People who preach to others like their own life depends on it. 
Loud people. 
Bad hygiene. 
People who put all their drama on their facebook status. We don't all need to know about that F-ing A-hole you dated for two years. 
Closed-minded people. 
People who tell the whole world how great their lives are everyday even when we know it's not like that. 
Creepy men who hit on any woman with...legs. 
Mom's who act more immature than their children. Dads as well. 
People who post pictures of THEMSELVES EVERY SINGLE DAY. Ain't nobody got time for that. 

Jack Johnson--Home 
Norah Jones--Don't Know Why
Jackson 5--I Want You Back 

Wednesday, June 19, 2013


Oh, hey there little cricket! Today a giant cricket was in my room at work today. I pointed it out to the kids like I wasn't even scared and they all came over to look at it. When they tried to squish it I gave it the "it's just a poor helpless insect, how would you feel if you were treated like that?" lecture and we decided to catch it to let it go. This cricket was literally the size of a small cell phone and could jump like no other. I had no idea crickets could jump like that. Maybe it wasn't even a cricket. It was naaaaystay. To make a long story short, after several attempts to catch it in a plastic cup and me having a few bursts of uncontrollable screams, it was caught and taken outside. After being on the ground for 1.2 seconds a little evil boy ran over and stomped on the poor little thing. We gave it so much hope that it was going to life and be free again...and it was crushed. Literally.

So for a quick update on life right now.. not much! We've started summer club (like I've said before) and it has been crrraaaazzzyy. With people quitting and having over 100 kids each day I'm just excited for summer to be over. That's really sad when I think about it.. I'm excited for summer to be over??? Strike that! Reverse. I'm so excited it's summer and wish it would last foreeeevvvveeeer! Really though, 100+ sweaty kids in the same building for 12 hours = one stressed out me. Good thing I'm only there for the last 7 hours of it...eeek.

So yeah, I've just been working. And Pete's just been working. That's our life right now. Hopefully some day it will become more than that but for right now I think we're just trying to save up money and figure out our next plan of attack--BOOM! I can't wait til I can get on here and post a bajillion pictures of the cool places I've been and things I've seen like everyone else always does. And when my children cure cancer and I end world hunger I'll post about that as well. For now, this is what you get. Cricket stories.

Tomorrow is Thursday. I'm excited for a few different reasons. One, it's closer to Friday. And two, it's garbage day. It's always a good day to get all the garbage out of your house. Am I right or am I right? And three, I get to go swimming! That's right. Even though some days I just want to cry because dealing with crazy kids all day can be super stressful, there are definitely the perks. Like quick revive and juggernog. Tomorrow I get to take a few of my kids swimming at the Brigham City Pool. We went last Thursday and it actually went just fine. No one even died or crapped in the pool. Hopefully tomorrow will go smoothly as well. I just love my chillens. Can I just repeat that some more? I work with the best (and yes, craziest) kids in the world.

So I haven't been blogging lately for some reason. I feel like I have too much going on in my life even though I really don't. Pete has been sick for like three weeks straight and I had some weird stomach bug Sunday. Good news though--we are both pretty much betttttttter! Hiiiiya!

My brain is a little scattered right now. I'm thinking about work, money, babies, music, a;ldkjf;asdjfla;ds;f. That's why the title of this post is just that. It's my brain right now, and lately.

More things I'm thinking...
I suck with gifts. I want to work. I don't want to work. I want a baby. I don't want a baby. I need to workout. I love junk food. Mmmm potato chips. I'm SO stressed! I'm so bored. What should I do? I have too many things to get done! I want to write a book about zombies. I want to be an artist. I should go to graduate school. I wanna be a stay at home mom. I'm hungry. I'm full. I'm hot. It's chilly. I wish I had a new phone. I don't need a new phone. I want to be a therapist. I want to travel. I hate leaving my house.  Sometimes, I suck at life.

See? There ya go. a;ldkjfa;lsdf ;alsdjf;asldf

On to the next!

10? I think I'm on 10 with this blogging challenge ring-a-ding-thing? I don't think I'll ever finish. I mean, YES I CANNNNNN!

10. Describe your most embarrassing moment. 

When I think about this I don't really have any ultimate, traumatic, life-impacting embarrassing moments, just a lot of small ones I can't really seem to forget. It seems like when you're a person who has anxiety, or social anxiety, embarrassing moments are a daily occurrence. I feel like I'm always saying something and then looking back at the conversation and feeling like a complete moron. One embarrassing moment I will never forget is when I was just first dating Pete and we were going to to meet his mom's side of the family pretty much, at some sort of get-together. I was nervous because I wanted them all the like me and I didn't want anyone to know about the freak that I really am (mahaha) so I tried acting all nice and bubbly (why do I do this when I get nervous? Great question. I have no idea.) So Pete went outside and left me inside with all of his family--rude, you just don't do that to a girl. All of a sudden, one of his cousins looked up from a photo album he was looking at and yelled someone's name. I had no idea who he was or who he was talking to but I literally thought he was looking straight at me. I asked, "What is it?" to try to figure out what he was even talking about. He looked at me super confused and asked if my name was the same name he was calling (his wife's). I said no, but he kept calling for the person kind of and looking RIGHT AT ME. (I later was told it was because I was sitting right in front of the screen door, his wife was outside). Also, I'm leaving out names because I still feel like an absolute moron. Anyway! So he looks at what I thought was me, again, and since I didn't want to be rude if he was for some odd reason talking to me, I went over to look at the photo album like he was saying. This is in front of Pete's entire family and they all just watch me like a freak. I sit down as he awkwardly flips through a few pictures and wonders what in the BLEEP I am doing. His wife then comes in, I mumble some awkward words and run back to my seat so she can sit by her husband, like he was asking. Now, this all sounds probably kind of confusing and maybe you don't even know why I did what I did or why it was so embarrassing. I'm just a freak. That's all there is too it. Shmeeble.

Other embarrassing moments...
Being de-pants by my younger sister in front of one of my best friends in middle school. Bare-butt-naked.
Countless times misunderstanding people because I'm too focused on not misunderstanding them.
Farting in front of people I wish I could never fart in front of. Seriously, sometimes you don't even see em' coming. They just sneak right out with the intentions to ruin your life. WTF.
Bursting into tears at a family Christmas party over a stupid joke and refusing to come out of the bathroom.
Bursting into tears at a work meeting. It's like my go-to thing, I guess.

I'm sure there are many, many more. I'm honestly quite happy that none of them are coming to mind right now though, maybe I'm not as traumatized about things as I usually think I will be. If I remember them, I'll be sure to come back and post em!

Ingrid Michaelson--The Way I Am
Regina Spektor--The Calculation
Florence + The Machine--Dog Days Are Over