Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The Dentist of Doooom

So I have this weird problem when I go to the dentist. Not only do I freak out and dread it as soon as the realization hits that I have an appointment soon... but I KEEP freaking out, until I walk through the door to LEAVE the dreadful place. The people that are cleaning and poking and scraping and drilling and searching for buried treasure with a miniature pick-ax in my mouth keep talking to me like I can answer, (which really drives me nuts) and act like things are just so hunky dory! No. My whole body is tense, I'm trying not to gag/throw up/scream out obscenities/pass out while they smile down at me, AND keep up on the same questions they asked me last time I was in there.

Okay okay, so I love the people who work at my dentist's office as well as my dentist himself, but I can only show so much love when I'm going through such high amounts of anxiety. I keep having these horrible thoughts that they're going to get lazy (because they do this millions of times every day) and a knife is going to slice through my lip, or the drill is going to slip and tear through my flesh, or a random sensation of horrible pain is going to make me freak out and jerk and cause all of the above to happen at the exact same time! I guess the dentist is bad for everyone, maybe even worse for some, but I do NOT like it.

So I have good teeth and oral hygiene. I've only had about 3 cavities in all my almost-21 years of life, which I think is good. But my mouth is VERY small and I guess I have something called "irregular enamel" which means I have to work extra hard to avoid cavities and things like that. The small mouth part mostly sucks because the things they stick in your mouth to take x-rays with kills, so therefore I move, and we have to do it 50 times. Another thing is they keep saying "open a little wider" thinking I can dislocate my jaw and open my mouth big enough for them to put their fists in. I'm sure that's frustrating for them... but I feel like it sucks more for me lol.

I kept thinking today while sitting in the chair, trying to keep my sanity with all the cleaning and too-rough flossing going on, how much it would suck to have to work in people's mouths every day. Well, for me at least. I can't imagine working in a clean and healthy mouth with people's spit and weird breath let alone the mouth of someone with some sort of disease or fungus or who-knows-what. Those are the people my hat goes off to. They're like the garbage people and the people who deal with sewage and that whole process that makes the world go round. And, I'm very thankful for the dentist for keeping my teeth nice and straight and clean and bright :) if only I could take some mild anesthesia during my visits...

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Catching Fire=Awesomeness

So, as promised in my previous blog, I'm going to discuss my latest read, Catching Fire, by Suzanne Collins (sp?). I've only just finished it, and I absolutely loved it. I really enjoyed not only the action scenes and love story portions of the book, but also the horror and inspiring feelings that I felt while reading it. In the book, the characters are stuck in a world where their government has complete power over everything, and so the stars in this book rebel. I love how realistic it is in this world and how it calls to it's readers to not just sit back and let injustice take over but instead to rebel and fight for what is right. I'd give it another 4 1/2 stars, like the first book in the series, The Hunger Games. But not for lack of quality; only because I wanted more. When I could feel the book winding down to an end I was sad because I wanted more. I'm not sure if there's another book in this series but I'm going to go find out!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Some Recent Randoms

So a lot of things have been going on lately! (and when I say that, things are basically the same as they were last time I blogged.) But anywho, just wanted to talk about some awesome things, and some not so awesome things in my life right now.

Awesome thing #1. I've bought myself an Amazon Kindle. It's a reading device that you can take with you, store thousands of books on, and I can buy most books cheaper with the click of a button. It's great for obsessive readers like myself. So far I've read 1 book on it, and I'd give it 4 1/2 stars. If I were to make improvements myself, I would have the option of a lit screen (for reading in the dark or when you don't have a lot of light) and the real-life-looking page turner; which I guess is on some Kindles, but I'm not willing to pay $400 buckaroos for it. Mainly because I don't have $400 buckaroos. Mainly because I'm a student.

Not so awesome thing #1. Girls who hit on guys who are taken. Now, most of the time, I'm pretty content with myself, pretty confident. But not the other day, when I put on a bikini after about a year and a half and prepared myself to go swim with Pete. I've been asking him if we could go swimming, like, every day after I get off work for the past.. oh I dunno...5 weeks? And when he finally says yes, I'm the one with the issues. Anywho, like I said, I'm usually confident and don't worry too much about what other people think of me besides this particular day when we head down to the pool. So not only am I feeling like a fat cow with a total of 4 goofy suntan lines (majorly from soccer) but this day is also the day that every single skinny girl my age decides to go swimming as well! How nice :) Welp, to make a long story short, because I'm sick of blogging about this not so awesome thing already, I spent a lot of time being annoyed with people hitting on Peter that day at the pool, and hopefully now I can get my butt back into shape to enjoy the icy water and wonderful joy I feel when swimming. Ahhhhh. PS- don't hit on other people's sig. others and expect me to like you :) simple enough.

Awesome thing #1 b. Oh! The book I've just read, entitled "Hunger Games" was FANTASTIC. Took me two days, loved every second of it. There are some minor parts that I think could have been changed for the better (in my opinion) but for the most part, it's an awesome book and I definitely recommend it. I'll be reading the sequel next, I'll let ya'll know how that goes!

Awesome thing #2. Ooey gooey love. I'm not much for that kind of stuff but can I just mention how utterly happy and lovestruck I am? Not only have Peter and I been together for a year, we've been together for a year straight, not just off and on like it's always been before with me. When we fight, we talk, make up, and things are fine. That's a good relationship. A professor once told me the main cause of divorce is the avoidance of conflict, or problems or something... who listens to their professors anyway... Meaning that when one partner is annoyed or stressed or unhappy, they don't TALK about it to the other person (or they do and nothing is done to fix/solve the problem). Instead, they just cover it up, and pretend it's not there. So I'm very excited, we seem to be going in the right direction.. Now if only one of us would switch schools so we didn't go to school an hour away from each other.. bahhaha.

Not so awesome thing #2. Stress. Lately it seems to by piling on... Not only do I already have family issues going on (story of my life, I'm quite used to this actually) but summer seems to be flying by and I have to start making some big decisions again. I'm trying (well, trying indicates I've put effort into achieving the goal, which I have not, therefore I've been attempting-to-try) to get things straightened out this fall so that I can stay with my best friend Mikenzie up in Logan, and finish up my degree at Utah State. Unfortunately, we've put it off for about 4 billion years and now I fear we've not only missed out on housing (it's mostly full, if not completely) but I've also missed out on deadlines and financial aid crap that needs to be done. Hopefully that all goes over okay... matter of fact, I should probably get on that right now... Ta ta!