Sunday, September 19, 2010

Quick Update!

September is almost over! I'm so excited for fall and for Halloween! Although, the Halloween season won't be the same not working at the B&G Club. I miss it sooo much! But what can ya do. I'm thinking about going to the club on Fridays and doing my "Scary Story Club" that I did when I worked there every year.. Haven't decided yet!

Things are going well. Right now, life is so so so good. I've been home each week to visit my family and Pete, I miss them all TONS! But here in Logan, things aren't so bad. I'm kinda slacking in school, I think because I'm not working lol. Which doesn't seem like it'd make a ton of sense.. I think I just always need to be busy to be super productive. I've never had to just focus on school, I've always had work or soccer or something else and it's kept me busy and always going. Now that I just have school, I find myself saying "oh I'll do that later, I have plenty of time" kind of a lot! But what can ya do, just need to buckle down. P.S. right now I'm listening to the Disney channel on Love, bahhahaha.

So I finally forked out the money and bought a new phone. Not that I needed it.. my previous phone was in decent condition, worked well, just was beat up and I've had it for like the past 2 years. And so, being the person I am, I wanted the newest phone out there. Cost... a ton... but I can't begin to say how much I love it. It's the new Samsung Vibrant, the top phone on the market right now. I'm loving all of the apps, the touchscreen, and so far the battery life has been pretty nice. I'm still needing to pick up a protective covering for it, so right now I'm treating it like my first born child. But yeah, it's fantastic and I love it.

Love my family. Love my man. Love school. Love technology (most of the time).

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

New Semester

So the new semester has started! I'm hating Logan, stupid traffic and no parking. Oh how I wish I could just live in Harry Potter land and apparate to all of my classes and destinations. That would be just great. I like my roommates, they're pretty nice. So glad I'm rooming with Mikenzie, she's a sweetie. Tis too bad she has to work all the time and I have to study.. But anywho. The family is doing well, McKenzie had her birthday yesterday so I went down and saw everyone. She's getting so old! I can't believe she's 15, at the high school, and soon to be getting her permit. Crazy girl.

I like all of my classes so far, I have a million things I've been wanting to blog about but I don't have the time now.. Just for a quick update! Woo woo USU!