Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Meh...and... AWESOME!!!

Okay so I've just finished the book "Never Let Me Go" by Kazuo Ishiguro. I'm going to rate it a...5 out of 10? Not the greatest book, but still, it made you think. The story was told by a character named Kathy, who grew up attending a small school in England. The school isn't like every other school though, things are much different. Turns out, these kids are actually CLONES that were made for the sole purpose of eventually donating their body parts and then "completing" or dying. Pretty intense plot... but I feel like their was such emotional indifference from the narrator so it was hard to connect with any of the characters or what was going on in the story. I found it difficult to get through because I never really got into the book. I don't know that I'd recommend it... but like I said, the plot was very interesting and it really made you think about ethics, the future of medical technology, and things like this. I think there's supposed to be a movie made about it... I hope it's better than the book. It just needs some spice!

And nowwww for the awesome part. Today the book Mockingjay came out. It's the third book in the Hunger Games series and I am soooo friggin excited. I'm going to try to pace myself so I don't finish it all tonight.. although that may be hard to do. I'm sure it's going to be great but I'm also saddened that this is the last book in the series (I think... correct me if I'm wrong--please!). I'll be sure and blog about how the book is when I've finished, hopefully that won't be any time too soon, lol.

Loving the Kindle. I'm trying to think of a fantastic name for it.

Monday, August 23, 2010

woo woo

So I'm moving out in a week. I'm super excited. But sad, I'll miss Pete. Hopefully my car can make the drive back to Brigham every week.. eek! My car is a '96ish (not sure) Ford Contour. It ONLY has about 189,000 miles or so... Anywho, just wanted to blog about a few random things tonight..

First off, I'm loving the collaboration between Amazon and its services with, well, everything. It seems like everywhere I look products are adding apps and things from Amazon. Love. For instance, I was looking to get a new phone some time soon (can I afford it? no.) and was looking at T-Mobile's new Samsung Vibrant.. and guess what app comes with it? AMAZON KINDLE. So freaking sweet.. But if I do buy that, I'll feel like I spent $200 on my actual Kindle, and it'll be a waste..

I love/hate technology. Since I'm not much of a tech wiz, (yes, just made that term up) *Tech Wiz: someone who has vast knowledge of all things, products, services, that have to do with technology. Yes, so that's not me. But anywho, since it's not, I never know what's coming out or if I'm buying "the latest" of a purchase. For instance my Kindle. Brand new, newest version, good deal, etc. Buy it. Love it. Content with it and proud of my purchase. Then, like 2 months later, a newer and better version comes out. And that's how it is with EVERYTHING. Or the XBOX 360; bought it, loved it, and now I think they're coming out with some sort of newer version than that. L-A-M-E.

It's also hard to make any purchases when I have this lingering anxiety about the cost of school and books and how poor my family is lol. If only we were more financially...set. Things would be a little easier. But then I probably wouldn't think twice about my purchases or feel guilty when I wasted a few bucks. And then, just think of the horror, I wouldn't have anything to blog about on a hot Monday night in August.

Anywho, that's my rant for now. Excited for the week. Hope things go well and someone randomly enters my name into the lottery and I win.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Slow down.

So time is flying. It's August 18th already. Wait...what? What happened to the first 17 days of August? It's like everyone secretly changed my calendars and everything else that tells me what the date is so I would be confused. Very effective..
At work, we're moving into our new building. For the past 250 years there has been a building called "The Lincoln Center." Ok, so it's had many names, but that's its current title. I don't quite know the history of it, perhaps it was made by cavemen back in the dinosaur age but the building is old. When you work in the same building that your grandma and mom attended elementary school in and it was also called "old" way back then... you know it's kinda ancient. So we're moving. The Boys and Girls Club of Brigham City will soon be relocated to what was Bunderson Elementary. Some are happy about this change, some are angered by it. In my opinion, change is usually good. It'll be nice for things to be different at the Club. Although I won't be there during it's first year of use (TEAR!!!) I'll be back there hopefully next summer. I'm excited.

In other news, I'm moving next week. Super excited. But kinda........bleh about things. Every time I look at how much my books are gonna cost and I reminisce about all the money I've already flushed down the latrine called "school", I get a little light-headed. Hopefully I'll make it work, have enough money, and do okay with my 15 credits this year... We shall see!

But that's about all that's happening. I'm getting super sad about leaving all of my chillens at the Club.. I've seen them every single day (aside from weekends) for that last two years. I seriously LOVE them. Even though they can be little chits, hahaha. Hopefully most of them will still be here next summer, when I'm back again.

Another recent event, Pete made the WSU soccer team. I think I was more nervous than he for the few days he tried out. But alas, his billions of hours kicking the ball around and practicing cool moves with cool names I can't remember, have paid off. I'm very happy for him.

Ta-ta :)