Thursday, May 27, 2010


Today I wanted to blog about something that's both funny, and somewhat sad. Parents, living through their children: is it real or do they just want what's best for their little chillens?

I once watched a documentary on the human mind and what makes a person evil. The message I took from it was this: all of us, given certain situations and circumstances, are capable of evil. Going to my sister's soccer game tonight sort of cemented these beliefs into my mind.

As the game starts, most of the parents are calm, just settling down into their cheap folding chairs and saying hi to one-another with a warm and friendly smile. The scene is mildly stimulating and the girls have the butterflies that most people get when they are about to participate in a sporting event. As the whistle blows, they sit back and watch the show. Things are comfortable, and those on the sidelines don't really recognize the other team's fans or the ref, really. I thought it was always other team's fans that went crazy, not mine... I found tonight that I was seriously mistaken.

A girl from the other team runs into one of our girls; our girl falls to the ground the parents sit up a little in their seats when the expected sound of a whistle is failed to be heard. A couple parents mutter to each other about the incident, but we continue on with the game. A few more repeats of this happen and the parents begin to get anxious. They start to say things at the ref and fuel each other's flames with angry comments and quick hand gestures. The rest happens very quickly.

Parents begin to scream at the ref with each call, as if every word were a daggar being thrown at him.
"Are you kidding me? Open your eyes ref."
"How much are they paying you?"
"Oh go choke on your whistle!"
"Give me a *#(^@* break!!!"
I kid you not, these things were said, or rather screamed, at my 14 yr. old sister's soccer game this evening.

The veins in one man's head begin to become noticeable as they bulge out of his forehead and the spit flies from his mouth. The coach's constant screaming becomes inaudible and we start to tune him out. The fans from the other team are now noticeable and they become the secondary enemy. First, the ref.

The third enemy is of course the other team. Because at this particular game the girls are especially evil, throwing sneaky elbows at our players and making unfair trips and shoves. Are they trying to break our girls' ankles and put them in the hospital?

Of course, we are all so very BIASED, hahahaha. In fact, much of this isn't really happening at all; it's just what our little brains twist into reality.

These once-pleasant parents who greeted you at the beginning of the game and offered you dinosaur-shaped fruit snacks have now been transformed into savages. They are cheering when your team forcefully knocks their oponent to the ground. They hollar with laughter when a call goes in their favor whether it is fair or not. They're bloodthirsty animals who would do anything to see their daughter's team win.

The funny thing is, we're all capable of this insanity lol.

Monday, May 24, 2010


So it's almost summer. I can't wait. I don't exactly know what I'm excited for, just the fact that it's "summer" and everyone looks forward to "summer." There are a few things that I don't like about summer though..

First thing to mention is bugs. Most people don't really like bugs, but I on the other hand loathe them. I don't think I'd hate them so much if I didn't live next to a field of doom and had to murder at least 3 spiders and 10 earwigs every freakin day of my life once the temperature starts to increase and summer comes. For some reason, I have this theory that all the bugs in the field just sit over there, on the other side of the fence, and plot and scheme about ways to get into my house, majorly to crawl on my skin and make me freak out like a small child. Evil little things...

There are also the bees. I don't know if most people would consider bees as "bugs" but to me, they qualify. Creepy, crawly, fly-ey, bitey, nasty, pokey, shiny, ugly, etc. etc. The worst is when you're in your car, you've got your sweet tunes on and your windows down to feel the cool breeze that provides temporary relief to the insane heat. Just as your favorite song comes on and you stop for a stoplight, you see it. The wasp or bee starts speeding towards your car like it's being pulled by some magnetic force. You reach for the window roller-upper (hopefully you have an automatic one, otherwise you're screwed and you might as well not even try) to try to beat the bee and block it with the seemingly invisible force field. Sometimes you make it, the wasp slams into the window with a smack and you smugly smile to yourself at beating the small bug. You:1, Bug: 0. Sometimes though, you don't make it. And now it's your life on the line. When the light unfortunately turns green, you can continue driving and try not to get a stinger in your eyeball as you swerve across the road and into someone else's lane, or you can try "shooing" out the insect while looking like a crazy psycho to those around you. It's kind of a lose-lose situation.

Another thing I dislike about the summer is the fact that it's now swimsuit season. Sure, that'd be fine if I were a guy or a petite little chickadee but, alas, I am not. I'm an athletic-shaped girl who's gained a few pounds since high school. What's funny is you think you look horrible and everyone looks like a supermodel but really, it's a rare few who look that great or who even care what YOU yourself look like. Stupid women, we're kind of a helpless bunch when it comes to not worrying about what others think lol.

Done with summer discussion, although there are probably about a million other things I like/don't like about "summer." Perhaps I'll blog about them another time..

Now, on to more recent things. Last Sunday I got back from an awwwwesome trip with Pete and his family. We went to Capital (Capitol?) Reef down in Southern Utah. Needless to say, it was an adventure. I'd never heard of it.. but don't really know why. It was a vacation, but not typical for me. The family went on like 3 hikes every day, and hardly sat down to relax and be lazy (quite different from my family vacations, hahaha). But it was fun. Most of our time was, like I said, spent hiking and also hunting lizards. Yes that's right, they hunt lizards. Perhaps hunting isn't the appropriate word because they just catch them and let them go, but it's so friggin funny to watch. The landscapes were beautiful, the food was good, and the company was fantastic. If only I could shower everyday (although I'm told this is NOT camping) then the trip would have been near-perfect.

Thursday, May 13, 2010


So I just thought I'd get on here and say how friggin nice it is to only worry about work. No more school for now! I've always taken classes in the summer until this summer; I'm taking a break. It's SO nice. I don't even know what to do with myself most of the time lol. Anywho, life is good, I'm a lucky girl :)

Besides that, things are going super well. Work is nice and the kids (and staff) are ready for SUMMER! It's nice to be able to take the kids outside to play so they're not stuck inside all day. Unfortunately, one day it's nice and sunny, I'm wearing flip-flops, and the next day it's snowing in the mountains and it's raining and snowing in town. Welcome to Utah.

Oh, another nice thing about no classes is reading, drawing, playing video games, and seeing my boo. I'm kind of a book worm and it's so nice to read a book rather than a text book for a change. I'm re-reading a few books first and then will start some new ones after that. I've been drawing and painting with some of my spare time, it's so nice! Too bad I haven't seen Pete as much as I'd like... he's working crazy hours and our schedules conflict. D.U.M.B.

Can't wait to SWIM, play soccer everyday, and have fun. I kinda like summer :)