Wednesday, July 24, 2013


16. What are your 2 greatest accomplishments?

Wha? Only 2? Hehehehawhawhaw. Just kidding. 

One of my greatest accomplishments is becoming a normal functioning human being! Yes! I'm so happy that I've turned out somewhat normal, it was a bit sketchy for a while. But really. Have you ever studied child development? It's amazing that babies are born and people learn and grow and can be so resilient to this rough roller coaster of a life. I'm so thankful that I have all of my limbs, that I have my little teeth to chomp up all of my glorius junkfood, and all 10 fingers and all 10 toes. Our bodies are amazing things, I'm going to go ahead and be proud of it's miraculousness. Right. Meow. 

Another thing I GUESS I can be proud of and call a great accomplishment in my life is finishing school. I guess it's never really finished finished, you could always keep going. But I'm happy to be done with my bachelor's. What will I do with this? Who freakin knows. But am I happy to be done and proud of it? YEEESH. Oy em. 

Okay so this post is completely weird and who knows if those are even good accomplishments but they are literally the first things that came into my braaaaaain. 


17. What is the thing you most wish you were great at?

Ooooo, this is a fun one. I don't know that I can narrow it down to one...

I wish I was the best artist that ever lived! I would probably be super weird because that's how most of the best artists are/have been, but would it be worth it? UHHHH YEEEEAH. Ok, maybe not the best artist, but 10? Sure. It would be great. And I could just create art for my job, and make some money, and make a difference in the world, and do amazing things. 

I wish I was great at playing video games, too. Wouldn't that be the life? Play games, be the best in the world, throw hun-ned dollas from the roof top of tall buildings. Ok. 

Okay, but seriously. I wish I was REALLY great at...being the best person I could be. I wish I could take all my insecurities and fears and doubts and throw THEM from the rooftop! And be rid of them forever. And go out and do the jobs I want to do and help the people I want to help and accomplish all the things in my life that I'm too scared to even attempt. That, my friends, would be just dandy. 

18. What do you think your spouse loves most about you?

Hmmm.. this is a toughie. Is that a real word? Midonknow. I think it's a toss up. He might love my big brown mcdonalds eyes or my willingness to help the people I love or my sheer insanity. I'm always jumping around and making weird noises and hoping I can get even the tiniest smirk to cross his face. I'm usually successful. 

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