Thursday, March 20, 2014

A BIG Update :)

Hey there pear! SO, life. Life, life, life!

First off, Pete and I are having a little boy. There ya go! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! We are so excited. And scared. Mostly I'm scared and Pete is just excited but I'm excited too but I also am scared. Makes sense, right? I am 29 weeks and our baby should be due around June 4th if he cooperates and my body cooperates, lol. I always said I wouldn't be one of those annoying people who post about their baby all the time but I can already feel it coming.. Please forgive me if you're as intolerant as I've always been with this stuff.. What can ya do!

So I'd been wanting a baby for like, a loooong time but Pete always said we should wait. Wait until we have more money, wait until our lives are more stable, wait until we were done with school, etc. That, for some reason, made me want a baby even more. I'll admit it, I fell into the trap of seeing all my friends with their cute babies and I started to reeeallly want my own little one. So after me asking for months if we could have a baby Pete finally said we could have one whenever I was ready! Yaaaaay! And then it became more real to think about. A real baby? Not just the ideas and thoughts and pinterest boards? Was I really ready to quit my job and stay home and change diapers and lose some or all of my freedoms? I don't think so! So we decided to wait longer, lol.

All my friends and family members had their cute little babies and one day I was ready and the next day I was NOT. We knew we had to wait until we were BOTH ready all the time, not off and on like we'd been. Women never know what they want. And when they get it they still don't know if that's quite what they wanted. Confusing.

Anywho! To make a long and boring story short, we both decided we were ready to start our family last year. I'll never forget the first pregnancy test I took and the slight pink line that said our lives were about to change forever. I always pictured myself jumping up and down and throwing my hands around Pete in excitement, just like in the movies. Instead though I sat in the bathroom for kind of a long time, just staring at that pink line and thinking WHAT. HAVE. WE. DOOOOONE?! Hahaha okay I was super excited, but like I said, also scared to death.

We had our first appointment when I was (I think) 12 weeks and the doctor's visit was just, insane. We got to see our little one on the ultrasound and received our first pictures. Looked like a real baby. There was a real alien baby growing inside me.. I'll have to edit this later so he doesn't know I referred to him as an alien baby.

And so, time has just been flying! Pete has been doing school and going straight from there to work Tues-Fri. He is such a hard worker. I can't believe how lucky I am to have him as my hubby (could go on about that for 5 more years but I won't, tonight). And I've just been working. My first trimester was super easy, no sickness, no nothing. I was worried something was wrong because I didn't have ANY symptoms really. I guess I was just really really lucky. Second trimester was a little more difficult. I was super tired, all the time. I would come home from working only 4 or 5 hours and would crash, I was so exhausted.

The third trimester (well, and end of the second) has been a little more tricky. I'd felt great and had been running a little and just being my usual self when I started to just get terrible pains in my groin muscles and lower abdomen. It was mostly when I would work out so I just started working out less to see if that would help and it kind of did but hasn't gone away completely. I talked to my doctor about it again a few weeks ago and he finally decided to check my cervix and informed me that my cervix was soft. I had no idea what this meant so I did what every pregnant woman really should never do, I googled it. Trust me people, googling something like that is beneficial maybe 3% of the time. The rest of the time you just read millions of articles about horror stories and you know for sure that your baby isn't going to make it or if it does all these other horrible things are going to happen. Just avoid doing that and your life will be much less stressful :)

Anywho, on top of that and a few other things, Pete and I (mostly Pete) decided that it would be better if I quit my job and stayed home the last two months of this pregnancy. Which brings me here again. Extra time=craziness because I feel like I always have to be productive and when I'm not I feel like I'm not doing what I should be doing.. If that makes sense. I think mostly I'm just a crazy person; but I'm sure you already caught onto that :) So I'm writing again. Just to clear my head and organize my thoughts I guess.

So yeah, I should be able to blog more now. Warning, the majority of it will probably mostly be about me and Pete and our sweet little alien baby. Ok, little one. There, that sounds better. But I'll try to throw in some other things to that are occupying my brain on occasion. We shall see :)

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